Poetical Adaptation and it,s Aloquence In Nahj-ol-balagha

Document Type : Research Article



The more poetical will be effective and influential upon the reader, the larger and closer the relationship with other texts.Therefore Imam Ali (As) has connected his sayings in Nahj-ol-balagha with cultural and literal heritage such as poetry, adage, wisdom & etc. Poetical heritage is the great cultural treasure that Imam Ali (AS) utilizes it and sometimes he uses one hemistich or couplet according to the necessity of text, especially when these couplets &  hemistiches take the shape of proverb as a result of their usage and pervasion among people. This problem is sometimes through poetical sample of whole hemistich or part of it without any change, and sometimes with trifle change in it, and sometimes the poet’s words along with its meaning and ground are repeated.
