Investigation and analysis of the representation of social actors in Shaqshaqiya Sermon based on the sociosemantic system network of "Van Leeuwen".

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University

2 Professor of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University

3 PhD student of Arabic language and literature, faculty of literature and humanities, Imam Khomeini International University


Critical discourse analysis analyzes and explains texts with a systematic approach. One of the basic propositions of critical analysis is to pay attention to the human actors, which is constructed and represented in the context of discourse. " Van Leeuwen", one of the critical discourse theorists, presents a inventory of sociosemantic about the way of representation of social actors, This network consists of two main components: elimination and statement, and each of them has several sub-components. Through them, can understand the ideology, and the hidden intentions of the discourse owners. In the present research, The special discourse of Imam Ali in the sermon of Shaqshaqiya is analyzed based on the descriptive-analytical method from the perspective of Van Leeuwen's model, considering the special importance of this sermon and the importance of the actors participating in this sermon, And as a result of the analysis of discourse-oriented constructions from the total components of Exclusion and Inclusion, it is understood that the Imam does not want to mention the names of people, especially the usurping caliphs and members of the six-member council, they have been represented as active actors to realize their desires in a collective action and reaction through Personalization, or have been mentioned in a Collectivation format such as "Al-Shuri", "Al-Jama'a", "Al-Nazair".The non-use of the element of Honorification indicates that no legitimate right has been given to them in the Imam's discourse. Imam is an actor who has assigned a high frequency of passivation. By examining the difference between the explicit and implicit components, it was found that the discourse of the Imam refers to explicit categories.


Main Subjects

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