Familiarity with Imam Ali's Economic Thoughts in Nahj-Al Balagheh

Document Type : Research Article



The main resources of Imam Ali's economic thoughts are Nahj-Al Balagheh and the other sources such as Ghorrar-Al Hekam and Dorrar-Al Kelam, Osol-e Kafi, ect. They are including Sermons, letters, aphorisms and economic life of Imam Ali.  Imam Ali's economic thoughts are from Quran and the traditions of prophet of Islam. It can be used as a good pattern for Islamic societies. The most important of Imam Ali's economic principles are as follows:
1-      Justice and fairness in all social, political and economic aspects.
2-       Poverty alleviation in Muslim society.
3-      Fiscal policies.
4-      Fighting with economic corruptions.
5-      Duties of government.
6-      Contentment in personal and social life.
In this article, we study Imam Ali's economic thoughts and views in Nahj-Al Balagheh and the other authoritative books on the above principles as the optimal model for each Islamic regime. Then, the duties of people and rulers as the important elements of a successful Islamic government are explained too
