The semantics of the faith in Hadiths "faith of women is incomplete"

Document Type : Research Article



In some anecdotal sources, reports on defect of women`s faith is quoted. Existence of such Hadiths and inappropriate behavior of some men with women in Islamic societies is become a pretext which triggered the Islamic opponents and claim that Islamic laws are against women. The precise study of exact meanings of words and concepts of these Hadiths will eliminate misgivings about Islam and women's rights. Most of the researchers have meant defect: deficiency and shortfalls. Also, the term faith: the faith of heart, confession of tongue and working of organs, are considered. However, the defect in these Hadith is meant to be weak and faith is meant to be calm. Women during menstruation due to hormonal changes that occur in their body, they are physically and mentally in some disturbances. These disorders cause weakness of their comfort and calmness. In fact the practice of divine commands (failure to perform some worship by women during menstruation) has nothing to do with the meaning of term of faith.
