Aesthetics of addressing in the sermons and letters of Nahj- ol- balaghah

Document Type : Research Article



Addressing modes and characters used in addressing in every language expresses some of the beauty of the language , each for a specific purpose it may be used to express the speaker's feelings . So  the writers and scholars of rhetoric whose are active in the texts and books to explore the beauty of the different rhetorical modes review the addressing as one of their aesthetic style . a significant contribution of Nahj-ol-balagha dedicated to the political and the political sermons of Imam Ali And the most important theological bases of the political passagesis the voice and the issues surrounding it. That Imam Ali (AS) has said a political writings and political speeches And in that letter  called or address Contact or contacts with the specific ways according to their position in space and place is one topic that has the ability to analyze the rhetorical and aesthetic The purpose of this discussion is  analysis  the aesthetic addressing type and the letters in the sermons . The accuracy of these structures in addition explaining the aesthetic explanat and extended  also the Being generally and  Circle the truth in of imam Ali,S speech. Check out the letters Of addressing  After analyzing the aesthetics of sounds and letters addressing And examining their samples in nahj-ol-balagha , Demonstrate the correct application of Contracts Ways addressing based on their aesthetic applications.