Imam Ali and Nahj-ol-balagha in the Eye of Reimon Qesis, the Contemporary Christian Lebanese Poet

Document Type : Research Article



Great and immortal figures have always served as decorations of the pages of history, in whom humanity could always take pride. These personalities whose lives are replete with ethical virtues are always in the spotlight of others. Imam Ali is the best example of this. History tells us that this unique character with all his virtues is a model of the perfect human, and has impressed the learned, literati and Shi'ite and even non- Shi'ite scholars throughout the history, interesting them in an exploration of the various aspects of his being which always leads to their admiration of his sublime character.
One of the admirers of Imam Ali is Reimon Qesis, the contemporary Christian Lebanese poet, who has expressed his regard and affection for him through a long ode about his personality and his immortal book, Nahj-ol-balagha. In this ode, published in a book entitled Ali Al Fars Al Faghieh Al Hakim, he describes some of the characteristics of Imam Ali's personality and the excellence of his book. Analysis shows that among other characteristics of Imam Ali, Qesis has mostly been attracted to his bravery, piety, probity, magnanimity and his truth-seeking. Also, because of his being a poet, he has considered Nahj-ol-balagha largely from a literary standpoint.
