Influence of Nahj-ol-balagha on Change of Iranian View on Field of Justice (With Documentation to Persian Poem)

Document Type : Research Article



Religious tendency influenced and would so on literature and cultural texts a lot. On the scope of Persian language, we can see part of these changes. Change of Iranian religious tendency, of Tasannon to Shia’, make many difference on literature text.Like the symbol of justice that belongs to Omar-Ibn-e-khattab, until Safavie period, translate to Ali-Ibn-e-abitaleb(AS).
Nahj-ol-balagha, Imam Ali's(AS) valuable book, affects on this change of view a lot. Why, the representation of that justice is more than anywhere in this book. The establishment of justice and equity in all their dimentions of theught can be observed, the truth that authenticity of justice to this great Imam (AS) approved.                                                              
