Hermeneutics in Nahj-ol-Balagha An Introduction

Document Type : Research Article



Hermeneutics is the Study of  theory and Science of text interpretation, especially the interpretation, or exegesis, of scripture. Indee, it is the art of interpreting. The comprehension of any written text requires hermeneutics; regarding a literary text is as much hermeneutic act as interpreting law or Scripture. As a science, the debate has gaind a special place and has brought new discussions in so many fields such as humanities; Philosophy, theology, litrary criticism, social and philosophy of science. The present article is going to discuss the hermeneutics of meaning, the stages of development and examines the relationships between Islamic scholars and the hermeneutic reflection and the impact of the hermeneutic on the Islamic sciences and the criticism of the teaching particularly in the area of interpretation and understanding text. Also it is going to examine the teachings of the hermeneutics and their impact on the Quran and opposition in religion from Ali,s(AS) views concerning his pricious and valuable book, nahj-ol-balaghe.
