Theory of Good Governance from Imam Ali,s (AS) Perspective

Document Type : Research Article



One of the most important issues available in recent years that in the development literature is the quality of governance. Good governance that has recently been suggested by western intellectuals considers, key development in developing countries to provide conditions and institutions that government able to perform support and sovereignty duties and can underlying market growth and its directed for public interest.This while islamic sources frequently is referred to good governance and good governance and its significance is not a new phenomenon for Islam. So the main aim of this study is and comparison theory of good governance with view of Imam Ali (AS) on Nahj-ol-Balagha. The results of this study indicate that Imam Ali (AS) governance view, does not only contradict the good governance theory, but in many cases it is more complete and more progressive; because Imam Ali (peace be upon them) is implemented principles, centuries before the appearance of the good governance theory in most communities that were dominated by totalitarian authorities
