Analyzing the role of women's games in the conceptualizations of Imam Ali (AS)

Document Type : Research Article


Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran


The examination of sermons and letters in Nahj al-Balagha indicates that Imam Ali (peace be upon him), in addition to issuing rulings regarding women, utilized various means to depict his mental concepts of the personality of women and their characteristics in the process of conveying meaning. He endeavored in his discourse to substantiate the involvement of women in the realm of origin, making his intended concepts more tangible and believable in the realm of destination, and persuading his audience regarding his ideas and beliefs. In light of women's involvement in the process of meaning-making and literary imagery through that character, this research aims to qualitatively identify, extract, and analyze those fragments of discourse in which the speaker employed them for the visualization of his mental concepts and the depiction of their attributes in his sermons and letters. The findings indicate that the discourse holder, in the aforementioned process, employed the character of women and related qualities to bring about a change in the intellectual and emotional state of the audience. Furthermore, women in the examined samples have been predominantly involved in dark spaces bearing the heavy burden of negative actions by others.


Main Subjects

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