Designing a Model of Sustainable Government Democracy by Authentic Leadership based on the Teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Human Resource Management and MBA,, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran. Iran.


Authentic leadership manifests in four areas of leadership on self, others, organizations, and governments. The purpose of study is to design a model of sustainable government democracy by authentic leadership based on the teachings of Nahj al-Balaghah. The method of research is qualitative and with inductive approach. In this paper, the thematic analysis method was used. The source studied in this research is 31 letters out of 79 letters. The criterion for selecting the letters was based on their distance and proximity to the paradigm of governmental democracy by the original leadership, which was analyzed. The results show that the requirements for the establishment and inclusion of sustainable government democracy by the authentic leadership should be searched in four individual, group, organizational and governmental requirements and in four levels of individual behavior management, group behavior, organizational behavior, and government behavior. In a way that at the level of individual behavior management, look at managerial appointments from internal sources of supply according to the merit-based system; At the level of group behavior management, the use of a committed expert strategy in managerial appointments; At the level of organizational behavior management, attention is paid to goals, strategies, policies, programs, practices, and processes, and at the level of governance behavior management, attention is paid to the necessities of governance.


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