Nahj Al-Balagha as the brother for Holy Quran and the first interpretation of holy verses is full of fine knowledge and it means the commentator had pure divine findings. But among full lessons of this reliable recourse, some incorrect information gathered by the mistake. So its text must be refined from incorrect ones. Some these texts are those about women which present them in low stage. One of these is to encourage women to stay at home. And obeying husband is one of its necessities which promoted up to Jihad (in the way of Allah). In this article, "Jihad for woman is to obey her husband (Tabaul)", is considered and the result is that joining this phrase to Hikmah136, is by narrators and made by fabricators. This phrase entered Kolaini's & Saduq's narrations before entering Nahj Al_Balagha and related to Imam Ali (puh). Then the text related to 7th Imam (puh) while such this phrase was not in first Sunnite books and entered their last references in 4th century affected by Shiite texts. This phrase is not according to the text order and inserted to the text and presents low view in understanding and interpretation of women in third & 4th century.
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Rayaan, M. (2022). Consideration of the credit of Hikmah 136 of Nahj Al_Balaqa, concentrating on the phrase:
"Jihad for woman is to obey her husband (Tabaul)". Quarterly Journal of Nahj al-Balagha Research, 9(36), 1-19. doi: 10.22084/nahj.2021.24347.2669
Masoumeh Rayaan. "Consideration of the credit of Hikmah 136 of Nahj Al_Balaqa, concentrating on the phrase:
"Jihad for woman is to obey her husband (Tabaul)"". Quarterly Journal of Nahj al-Balagha Research, 9, 36, 2022, 1-19. doi: 10.22084/nahj.2021.24347.2669
Rayaan, M. (2022). 'Consideration of the credit of Hikmah 136 of Nahj Al_Balaqa, concentrating on the phrase:
"Jihad for woman is to obey her husband (Tabaul)"', Quarterly Journal of Nahj al-Balagha Research, 9(36), pp. 1-19. doi: 10.22084/nahj.2021.24347.2669
Rayaan, M. Consideration of the credit of Hikmah 136 of Nahj Al_Balaqa, concentrating on the phrase:
"Jihad for woman is to obey her husband (Tabaul)". Quarterly Journal of Nahj al-Balagha Research, 2022; 9(36): 1-19. doi: 10.22084/nahj.2021.24347.2669