The Relationship Between Grammatical Voice and the Speaker's Thought In letter 53 of Nahj al- Balaghah to Malik Ashtar Nakhaei

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

2 PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran


The fifty-third letter of Nahj al-Balaghah is one of the most famous and at the same time valuable letters of this book. This letter, which is a decree to the Malik Ashtar Nakhaei, is also known as the treaty, Contains Imam Ali 's serious views on the directorship of Islamic society. Layered stylistics make it easier to discover and interpret the connection between the formal features of a text and its content and the syntactic, layer shows the spiritual qualities and hidden mindsets of the speaker through syntactic elements. In the meantime, the author, by exploring one of the syntactic features called "Grammatical Voice" or syntactic, seeks to reveal the relationship between the Grammatical Voice of sentences and the thought of the Imam. Grammatical Voice is the relation of an event or verb state to other participants in the verb process; As a result, the Grammatical Voice in the verbs of this letter, and considering the other elements of the sentence, the Agent and the Patient, was explored, And the frequency of Active / direct Voice, which acts as the starting point, Makes the audience realize the importance of the Agent; Then the high frequency of the same Voice, which is the starting point of the event, On the importance of what the Malik Ashtar should do or is forbidden, Due to the extensive use of the verbs of command and prohibition, In the same way, attaching bread to the emphasis on actions seals the seal of approval on the orders of the guardian of Muslims. This paper intends to investigate the relationship between syntax and thought by descriptive-analytical method and by referring to libraries and Internet resources.


Main Subjects

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