A stylistic reading of scripture 221 and 69 the name of the Nahj al-Balagha Based on the grammatical sound

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran

2 Invited Lecturer, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran


The syntax of a passive text differs dramatically from that of an active text because of the type of sentences (noun and verb) and the type of verbs used (plural, necessary, known, unknown, etc.) and how they are used. They are different in each. A stylist, by analyzing these things, can discover the speaker's point of view through his words. Light grammatical voice is one of the syntactic layer variables that help him to achieve this goal. The grammatical voice describes the state of the participant (active, passive, etc.) during the event or the state of the current process. Active and passive sounds are the most common grammatical sounds in most languages. This research uses descriptive-analytical method to investigate the two voices mentioned in verse 221 and the letter of Nahj al-Balagha. The results of the study show that in passage 221 which deals with the expression of human states on the eve of death and in the limbo world, the passive grammatical voice has a higher frequency, but in letter 69 that Prophet Ali (pbuh) as leader and ruler of society Islam, spelled it out in the form of a code of ethics to its government agents, has a more active voice. The passage of the passive voice in the sermon reflects the compulsive and enforced view of the Imam (AS) against the mysterious phenomenon of death. It is worth noting that the context and context of the text and its subject play an important role in determining the type of grammatical sound.


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