Analysis of Shaqshaqiya Sermon by the Critical Discourse Analysis Approach

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran.

2 Masters in Arabic Language Translation, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran


Critical discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary branch of linguistics which emphasizes the reproduction of social and political power through texts and dialogues, and that studies language for social scientific purposes regarding ideology, power, history, and society on the level of text. Since the critical method considers power relations, it tends to be associated with a kind of social transformation instruction that results from discourse and worldview, and it investigates the hidden power relations and political, cultural, and ideological processes in the text with a critical view through rhetoric, syntax, situational and intertextual and context, and demonstrates discourse contrasts. Shaqshaqiya Sermon is considered an interesting critical discourse considering its important historical points on caliphate and Bay'ah (allegiance). The present research addresses the discourse analysis of Shaqshaqiya Sermon on three levels of description, interpretation and explanation with a descriptive-analytical approach and based on Norman Fairclough's critical discourse model in order to discover how Ali (AS) criticized the performance of the caliphs and the way he criticized the deviations and sufferings of the Islamic society after  the demise of the Messenger of God and also how to demonstrate the public allegiance of the people to the Imam in the form of the aforementioned theory and to reveal the relationship between power and ideology in the mentioned discourse. The research results suggest that on the level of description, using the collocation of opposite and synonymous words, figures of speech, speech acts, emphatic declarative sentences, short sentences, and lexical links, the Imam tries to show the contrast between the justice-seeking Alavi discourse and the rival discourse. As on the level of interpretation, by direct and indirect application of the Quranic verses, he tries to explain his knowledge and awareness and his disinterest in the unjust caliphate, and express the vile traits of violators (Nakethin), deviators (Ghasetin), and apostates (Mareghin). On the level of explanation, in addition to preventing the deviant ideology from coming to power again, Ali (AS) tries to provide the ground for the reproduction of authentic Islamic discourse by explaining the historical issues of the caliphate.


Main Subjects

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