Analysis of the phenomenon of Meaning In Parts of Nahj al-Balagha with the Semantic Approach of the Frame

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith, Valiasr University, Rafsanjan, Kerman, Iran


In a text such as Nahj al-Balagha, which is motivated by the collection of eloquent and wise sayings of Imam Ali (as), meaning is the main structure of the text after its words and vocabulary. Various mechanisms for understanding and recognizing the process of meaning production have been proposed by contemporary semantics, each of which has its own requirements and rules. In the present study, by analytical method and with a comparative semantic approach, the phenomenon of meaning in some parts of Nahj al-Balagha was studied based on Fillmore's framework theory, and these results are noteworthy that meaning fluctuates according to the type of audience and situational context diversity. Each part of the meaning is manifested as a result of the interaction and intervention of the mentality and beliefs of the speaker (Imam) and his audience. In the whole structure of the text, there is the fact that the concepts and mental images in the words of Imam PBUH form semantic frameworks, the origin of all of which is the mind and knowledge of the encyclopedia and the social and cultural experience of Imam, and this process is such that with the emergence of a concept or mental image evokes all the concepts and mental images associated with it. Any negligence and carelessness to those meaningful frameworks can divert the expositors and commentators of the Imam's words from the main purpose of the narrator of the text.


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