Application of John Searle's theory of speech act in reading the sermon of Gharrā

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 Graduated from Master of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran


The sermon of Gharrā requires various analyzes in view of its special literary and moral value. Considering that the application of linguistic topics in the study of religious texts provides the possibility of analyzing different angles of the research problem, the present study pay attention to analyzing of the sermon of Gharrāʿ with a descriptive-analytical method and based on John Searle's theory of speech act till by this way represent a structural study of the sermon of Gharra, that it have a powerful lingual framework in presentation of important contents. Accordingly among the five speech acts, the expressive, persuasive and emotional speech act is prominent in the sermon of Gharrāʿ. Of course, the general spirit of the thematic verb in speech, according to the intralingual context in the use of rhyming pieces as well as descriptions and metaphors, and on the other hand, the context of the sermon that caused the sermon, is a persuasive and emotional speech act, which in the indirect layer of speech act, it warns the audience against worldliness and neglect of death and encourages divine piety and carrying luggage for the Hereafter. What doubles the impact of speech acts is the quality of use of these speech acts that are not linear and have ups and downs. Before reaching the climax where indirect persuasive and emotional act is to be performed, the declarative act provides the appropriate grounding.


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