Exploring the Concept of wisdom and Characteristics of Wise People based on Nahj Al-balagha

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Islamic Studies, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

3 PhD Student of Educational Psychology, Bu-Ali Sina University of, Hamedan, Iran


The wisdom andWise is one of the most common words in different derivative frameworks in Nahj Al-balagha which includes a variety of issues such as knowledge, Insight, self-regulation, motivation, social function and moral. Using the high divine knowledge and to promote the position of human being­, Imam Ali has used different forms of wisdom in speech and writing to create an impressive image in the mind of the human. This issue has been emphasized in the divine teachings, especially in Nahj Al-balagha. This research is descriptive-analytic, with the aim of exploring the Concept of wisdom and Characteristics of Wise People based on Nahj Al-balagha. The outcome of this article suggests that Imam Ali's Attitude (AS) towards the wisdom and Characteristics of Wise People, is strictly in accordance with recognized standards in this field, And Intellection, Insight, Reflection, life management and reminiscence, as the important objective of the wisdom, is Imam Ali's attention. The outcomes of this investigartion indicate that the outstanding Characteristics of Wise People derived from Nahj Al-balagha are Moderation, Openness to experience, Friendship, Consult, Insight, Awareness, Certainty and Knowledge Acquisition.


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