Explaining the category of informing in the letters Imam Ali (peace be upon him) to the people Based on qualitative content analysis method

Document Type : Research Article


uinversity of tehran


Informing   as one of the important functions of the media is one of the educational methods of Islam for the realization of social justice, whose explanation using scientific methods and based on authentic documents such as Imam Ali's letters can lead to a deep understanding of it. The present paper analyzes and analyzes the content of the content through qualitative content analysis using MAXQDA software. Findings of the research indicate that considering the high frequency of the topics in the category of awareness as compared to other categories in the letters of the Imam to the people, among the educational methods for realizing social justice, the Prophet had the highest level of attention in the method of informing The category of awareness in these letters includes three subcategories which include: enlightenment about the province and Imamate, political disclosure of opponents and enemies, and explanation of the lifestyle of the pious. Considering the allocation of 87.77% of the subjects to the two sub-themes of enlightenment and political disclosure, it can be concluded that the priority of the Prophet was to raise their political insights in informing the people. Investigating the use of phrases in each texture, the frequency of the themes, the symbols and metaphors, the constraints of emphasis, the reciprocation, and the ... The hidden layers of the semantics of each text are more revealing than the words of the Prophet. Thus, by focusing on the hidden semantic layers, his priorities and tactics are reflected in the awareness of the people and his stances on more events.


Main Subjects

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