An Investigation of Imam Ali's Letter 53 in Nahj-al-Balaghah: Emilio Betti's Hermeneutic Perspective(Qazvini, Feiz-alIslam and Makarem (Shirazi's explication and interpretation)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature,ShirazUniversity,shiraz,Iran

2 Ph.D Student in Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid ChamranUniversity Of ahvaz


Hermeneutics help readers with comprehension of text through overcoming the gap between the text and its commentator, with seeking to regulate their understanding. Thinking about religious texts and the way of comprehending them is amongst the disturbances of theologians, and even commentators and translators of such contexts, because comprehension of religious texts enjoy features and attributes which make the need to consider its authors’ intention. Thus such types of texts are much more sensitive than others. It has been centuries since hermeneutics is in a considerable position in the field of discovery of religious texts’ secrets. The collection of orations and letters of Imam Ali – peace be upon him- gathered by Seyed Razi in 400 Higria as Nahj-al-balaghah is one of the Islamic religious texts.
The present research intends to study three explanations means explanation and demonstration of letter 53 from Nahj-al-balaghah by Ghazvinni, Feiz-al-Islam and Makarem Shirazi and others according to the four rules of Emilio Betti Hermeneutics. The goal is to find to what extend clarification of each of these three is based on the four rules of hermeneutics Betti. The results of the study reveal although the hermeneutics rules are taken into account in the three mentioned explanations, it is focused on the main text by all the above-mentioned commentators. So, it can be said the approach followed by the mentioned commentators in letter 53 is author-based rather than commentator-based.


Main Subjects

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