A Review of Socrates's Theory of Knowledge and Its Role in Moral Motivation using the words of Imam Ali's (A)

Document Type : Research Article



The role of cognition in motivating man to act is one of Socrates's most important ideas. He recognizes different degrees and identifies it as the highest level of self-knowledge. Socrates believes in the unity of knowledge and virtue and recognizes the essential function of mankind and knows the origin of moral action. In his opinion, no one is wise to commit a false act. The proper recognition that Socrates knows, leads to human motivation toward verbs, such as sense of responsibility towards society, the impact on man's relationship with God, and the type of prayer and prayer with him and all good acts. If this Socrates view is based on the principles of Islamic ethics in the words of the Imam of the Faithful (AS), some of it can be verified as mentioned, but the most important part of it is the cognitive causation, in order to motivate the moral, is not confirmed. In this paper, Socrates's theory of ethical motivation based on cognition has been criticized using the words of Imam Ali (AS) and the differences between these two perspectives have been explained. The view of Socrates about the different levels of knowing and unequivocating the effect of these degrees on human motivation and causation leads to cognition for the proper conduct of the confirmation of Imam Ali (as), and the inadequacy of knowledge of the moral motivation of man and the special attention to the role of cognition associated with The apparent senses are one of the most important aspects of the viewpoint of Imam Ali (as) in the view of Socrates.


Main Subjects

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