The manner and purpose of praying to GOD based on Nahj al-Balaghah

Document Type : Research Article


1 ph.d

2 mobalegh


The purpose of this research is to study for the purpose and the right way of praying to GOD in Nahj al-Balaghah's honorable Book and also the relevant knowledge which has been sought from the sermons, letters and speeches of Imam Ali, the righteous Imam. The results of this research, which are organized by descriptive-analytic method, show the viewpoint of Imam Ali, praying to GOD is a kind of Worship and it is always necessary to be with sincerity, confidence, work and effort. And based on speeches and manner of Imam Ali, the style of praying to God, such as peace upon the Prophet Mohammad, thanking God, the mentions of GOD power and the request with joy and humility, can be deduced. based on the Nahj al-Balaghah, the purpose of praying to God is disaster relief, getting the answers of requests, feeling God in your heart to closer than ever and feeling peace as well. In the study of Imam Ali’s words in Nahj al-Balaghah book, some of the central purposes of his prayes are: attention to the Last day, Gaudiness, Forgiveness, religious.


Main Subjects

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