Criticism of the translation of part of the Nahj‌ ol balahaghe sermons based on the threefold types of vocabulary coexistence (case study translation of Mousavi Garmaroudi)

Document Type : Research Article


1 shahid madani

2 shahid madany


Using of transcendental concepts and spiritual messages of the Word of the Elders of religion requires the offering of a precise translation according to the latest criteria of the translation science. After the Holy Qur'an, Nahjo al-Balaghe, as the one of the main interpretation of Quran has always allocated a major role in researches of religious sciences. Persian translations of this unique work have also been criticized. For the first time Firth, the prominent English linguist as well as the context study, introduced the principle of the collocations of the vocabulary. He assumed this linguistic phenomenon as the meaning based, not the grammar, and used it to name and identify the compounds based on the semantic-idiomatic relationship and the frequency of their occurrence in the language. In his opinion, syntagmatic is a way of expressing meaning. In theis study, the translation of Garmarudi from Nahjo-al-Balaghe has been criticized and investigated according to the threefold types of collocations of the vocabulary and some cases of these types of collocations in the sermons have been examined as instances and the degree of his compliance with the context in general and with vocabulary in particular has been determined. He has not adopted the same way in translating cases of collocation of the vocabulary. He has adopted a more coherent way and he has been interested in fluent translating. In the meanwhile, some criteria and principles of translation, including the principles of the collocations of the vocabulary, have been ignored.


Main Subjects

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