Look at the existential areas of man from the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Education, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences


This research is descriptive-analytic, with the aim of examining the existential areas of human beings from the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah. However, in Nahjol-Balaghah, we do not find a clear statement about some of the areas of human existence, but the study of Nahj al-Balaghah shows that he was aware of mankind and had full awareness of his existential areas and paid special attention to this dimension in the way of human training. From the examination of the words of the Imam in Nahj al-Balagha, it appears that in the logic of Ali, like the Holy Quran, the man is two. The material domain, which is the "molecular agent" that forms this field, is the cause of different classes of human beings. Faramadi's field; this area, which is created by the blessing of the divine spirit on the material and molecular dimension, forms the truth and manifestation of mankind, and forms the human, intellectual, and cognitive domain of mankind. From the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah, we can mention two important issues of Faramadi, others which are in some way related to the soul: one is "nature" that connects man with God and the cortex and the lower layer of human life, therefore, the properties of the soul Is subcategory and his character. The second is the "heart" of a transcendental and central truth in human existence that has both cognitive and reflective functions as well as emotional and emotional functioning, can be the source of all the traits and human qualities that can be the source of human fallacies and human vices. Of course, the heart is not isolated from the soul, but it refers to both the transcendental domains of human humans, but they are interpreted in various ways from the heart to it, and from that it is referred to as the soul, since it is the source of human life.


Main Subjects

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