To examine dead and life subject in Nahj-al-Balagha based on binary opposition in structurism

Document Type : Research Article



The Binary oppositions evident in evry text and this oppsdition exists between hierarchy center and the magin of the text. In other words, there is one elementwith positive or negative effect in the center(for example goodness and thruth) and it s proporfional odds(like badness or lie) van be analyzed in two superstructural and deepstructural levels(based on omtological and phenomenological ideas). Death issue has an evident contrast with life and has many different effects in Nahjolbalaghe. In this essay,at first structuralism is studied and binary oppositions and death are considered, then the above ideas about the death in nahj ol balaghe are analyzed. By analyzing Imam Ali s speech and studying it binary oppositions in structuralism, we observed that although death is different from life in superstructural level, it has found positive value from ontological point of view in deep structure(while death has negative value) and also there isn’t any contrast between death and life from the perspective of omotology. Research method  is library and after sufficient study on dual_ counters theory  and knowing it's characteristic we analyzed Imam Ali point of view on dead and life based on considered theory


Main Subjects

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