Components of the Political Rationality of People based on the “Right and Duty System” in Nahj al- Balaghah

Document Type : Research Article


educator- university of Imam Ali(p.u)


Rationality is the very application of intellect and logic in organization of social relations. Politiacl rationality based on right and duty is people's belief, originating from their intellect, in a constructive and useful interaction with the ruler and the political society through satisfying rights and fulfilling duties. Since political rationality in its systematic form is realized only when it is based on sufficient awareness, this study attempts to present the components of the ruler's rights towards people based on the right andduty system in Nahj al_ Balaghah. This goal is to be achieved through a qualitative approach based on thelogic of induction and data grounded strategy. The significanceof this topic lies in the fact that the more the people know the rights of the ruler and their duties towards him and the political system, the wiser would be their interaction with them. The outcomes of this investigartion indicate that the most outstanding components of political rationality of people derived from Nahj al_ Balaghah are insight, stability, Jihad in theway of Allah, social responsibility, obedienceto the ruler and supporting him.


Main Subjects

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