Affirmation, Explanation and intertextual . Abridged Discriptic in Feyzol- Eslam Translation of Nahjol-Balaghe

Document Type : Research Article



Translation and realization of Nahjol- Balaghe as the most considerable religious texts after  Quran is really important, and many translators  who have their own styles have translated it so far
Investigating and discovering particular features of each translation can open new horizons for other translators translations.Among the distinguished translators of Nahjol- Balaghe, One can refer to Feyzol- Eslam . He has added some adjuncts to his translation for better understanding of the text and has entitled his work translation and explanation This paper aims at investigating his work and revealing his claim about the adjuncts on it After exploring and evaluating his translation, findings imply that the features of explanation are not as perfect as they should bein his work. Feyzol- Eslam’s adjuncts can be divided in three principles : affirmation, explanation –and inter textual abridged description 


Main Subjects

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