Analysis of semantic components vocabulary and its application in translation of sermons of Nahj- al- balaghah

Document Type : Research Article




One of the new ways of understanding the meaning of words in semantics is the analysis of semantic components vocabulary. In this way, semantics analyze the components and individuals among meaning of a word to understand the exact nature and also semantic differences between synonyms and by explaining the differences between the different semantic components, in addition to achieving precise meaning, the elegance and conceptual differences between the synonyms also are discovered. Current studies translation seeks to apply new theories semantics in the field of translation to assist the translators and translation scholars to achieving equality in translation. In this article we have tried to introduce this method as a new approach in the field of semantics to refer Issues such as the relationship between this subject to the concept of marked word. Then we examined the translation of word with application this theory in the field of translation based descriptive analytical method. In this context, with a choice of five Persian translations of Nahj- al- balaghah sermons, We have analyzed the performance of translators in translation practices marked words have discussed presenting the components of the meaning of such words. The outcome of this study suggests that inadequate attention to components vocabulary, well not convey the author's style and ideology and will also be a platform for inaccurate translations.


Main Subjects

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