Seyed Mohammad Kazem Haeri methodology as Nahj Qazvini

Document Type : Research Article



Description of Methodology of the Nahj familiar with the different approaches to the words of Imam Ali (AS) and for researchers and the audience is very important.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the methodology described Haeri Qazvin. Although the methodology described in other Nahj al-Balagha, written valuable works, but about as Qazvini research has been done. This article is the kind of basic research and analytical method and is written using library resources. The authors explain the originality and authenticity of Qazvin in two sermons of Imam Ali (AS) and content analysis were examined. Qazvini of issues such as: different versions, according to the segmentation and cut text, according to the eloquence of speech and help from Quran, Hadith, rhetoric, grammar, science, citing the date, citing poetry and other views commentators have benefited. Qazvini effects of the Shi'ites in expanding knowledge of the Nahj al-Nahj is beneficial, to approximate the relationship between religion and the needs of society today, the message does not warrant consideration.
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