Reviewing the interpretation of commentators regarding the Nahj al-Balagha phrase: ‘Alas! It is a treasured knowledge.’

Document Type : Research Article



Imam’s knowledge of events to happen in the future has been explored from various perspectives. If it is said that the Imam is not informed (does not have knowledge), then how can such a person accept the leadership of the Umma, and why do all Muslims have to follow him according to Shii claims based on Hadith al-Thaqalayn (Hadith of the Two Weighty Things)? And, if it is said that the Imam (is informed) knows about the future and its events, then why can he not prevent his own death and martyrdom? In various sermons, the Imam informs about future events and declares and encourages the people explicitly to ask him questions before they lose him. However, in sermon 149 – narrated after he had been stabbed fatally – the Imam denies possessing such knowledge. Therefore, two different views have been suggested among Nahj al-Balagha commentators with regard to the rejection and confirmation of the Imam’s knowledge about his own martyrdom. Based on a referential, analytical methodology, the present paper accepts the knowledge of Imam Ali (AS) in all matters including the details of his own martyrdom; in addition, various justifications are provided about the phrase ‘How many days did I spend in searching for the secret of this matter, but Allah did not allow save its concealment. Alas! It is a treasured knowledge…’ Then, every one of these explanations is reviewed and criticized to conclude that another answer must be sought. Since the Imam is the model for the Muslims, he must behave as they do; and because the Muslims generally do not have knowledge of the future and are not aware of the events to happen, the Imam similarly has to act in an ordinary manner. But the important point here is that what the Imam does is compatible with his knowledge. Therefore, the phrase under study should be considered as addressing the ordinary people generally; as they struggle to get informed about the time and the place of their death, but in vein.


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