The Analysis and Evaluation of the QuranicVisual Images in Nahj-al-Balaghe

Document Type : Research Article



As one of the sub-branches of the semantic deviation, visualization tries to examine the aesthetic features and elements of literary texts, and has an inextricable relation with rhetoric and the literary figures of those texts. As a way to express the abstract and the mental concepts, visualization tries to portray these concepts as the concert and tangible images in literary texts to make them appear dynamic and alive. Concerning different dimensions, either its form or content, Nahj-al-Balaghe has got a tight connection with the Quran. It means that Imam Ali(AS) has taken into account the aesthetic and the elevated language of the Quran to express his own thoughts and his epistemological concepts. It is why much of the Quranic literary images have been overtly reflected in Nahj-al-Balaghe. In his elevated use of speech, Imam Ali goes so far as his coherent and interwoven speech becomes identical with divine speech so that in his speech the texts and the inter-texts become identical. This paper aims to study the Quranic visual images in Nahj-al-Balaghe in the light of the semantic relations of deviation. In this sense, the Quranic visual images that are portrayed in the forms of anthropomorphism, animism and physicality, are analysed and evaluated in Nahj-al-Balaghe to show that how these kinds of visualization become functional in the context of Imam Ali’s speech. It seems that animism in comparison to other kinds of visualization has got a higher frequency.


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