Designing of Ethical decision making model of managers based on Nahj-al-balaghe Teachings

Document Type : Research Article



Attention to the Ethical decision making with regard to the importance of decision making and ethics in the field of management, is growing every day and nowadays management science intellectuals have believed that managers in decisions making time must also consider ethical criteria. But the issue is that what decision is considered ethical. In this research, efforts have been made that present a model of ethical decision making of managers based on Nahj-al-balaghe Teachings will be presented. For this purpose, used from Grounded Theory Method and finally identified 641 Propositions, 50 concepts and 14 categories. In this regard, first all the propositions of Nahj-al-balaghe are examined and then the key concepts have been extracted. In next step, the research categories consisting of the concepts confronted earlier, have been identified and classified at three types included core, basic and underlying categories .Some of the most important components are identified: Commitment to the right, Justice, good policy, correct perception, focus on the public interest, truthfulness and trusteeship. These categories formed the final Ethical decision making model based on Nahj-al-balaghe teachings.


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