Minimalism parameters in The story of the Nahj-al-balaghe

Document Type : Research Article



Nahj-al-balaghe contains many anecdotes and this story more are historically. Undoubtedly, the Imam (as) in Nahj-al-balaghe not storytelling It represents a means of expression issues such as the ideological, political and military. So he does not like long tradition and is followed by elaboration events. Relying on new cash component of fiction, assimilation and many similarities between the story of the Nahj-al-balaghe with modern literary types that we Stories Which is known as the minimum orientation or minimalism. In the present research with descriptive analytical approach based on the Stories of a beautiful story of Nahj-al-balaghe al-Jihad in the sermon explains. The result of this study shows that although this story has all the elements of the story but most of them have been and like many of the indicators of this new literary genre the technique of writing is excellent and is among the minimalist stories.


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