A Syntactic-eloquent Stylistic Analysis of Parallel Forms in 111 Sermon of Nahj-al-balaghe

Document Type : Research Article



Imam Ali(peace be upon him) has used many figures of speech and literary devices in 111 sermon of Nahj-al-balaghe. One of his stylistic methods is the use of parallel structures. Parallel structures are made up parallel forms connected by coordinate conjunctions and take an identical syntactic role. He has used these structures for various reasons such as strengthening tone and music of his speech and emphasis. Most structures in this sermon include bi-structures and some consist of chain structures. Parallel structures in this sermon include noun clause, verb clauses, and conditional sentences which semantically have relationships such as contradiction, synonymy, cause and effect and sequence. Moreover, this sermon has eloquent and musical parallel.
    This paper is to investigate different forms of parallel structures in different syntactic aspects and their relationship with eloquent, musical, and lexical areas.


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