The Methodology of Menhaj-Al-barahe Description written by Qot-b-Ravandi

Document Type : Research Article



Menhaj-Al-barahe Description written by Qot-b-Ravandi is one of the first descriptions of Nahj-al-balaghe that is written by a very great and knowledgeable person who was master in all sciences in his own period and this dexterity and skillfulness in describing the first Sermon or sometimes in other parts of the descriptionis obvious and noticeable. In this Description, there are two different views and explanations: 1. Description of the firs Sermon, 2. Description of other parts of Nahj-al-balaghe. The writer has described the first part in details and the second part in brief. This Description (Menhaj-Al-barahe) is researched and proof-read (corrected) by AzizollahAtarodi and an introduction about 80 pages is written about it. It is published through 3 volumes that 2 volumes describe Sermons and the other one describes the letters and wisdoms. Although Ravandi’s Description is a literally and eloquence description and describes literal and idiomatic expressions and words in Nahj-al-balaghe, in some essential situations, it poses interpretive topics, Emmams’ Ahadis, Quranverses. In the surface structure, the writer divides the First Sermon, which is very long and about 80 pages, into four parts and describes each part separately. And there are different types of Sermons, Letters and wisdoms that sometimes one part of a long Sermon, and sometimes one or some Sermons, Letters and wisdoms are mentioned and described altogether.
