The Criteria and Guidlines of Justice in Nahj-ol-balaghe

Document Type : Research Article



Paying attention to justice and the effort to realize it’ is one of the fundamental working parties in Islamic system. Based on this issue, the definition of justice and its criteria in a theoretical-operational system which is raised from cognitive and normative foundation of Islam, have achieved favorable position. Examining the content of Nahj-al-balaghe shows that there are 3 main criteria in detecting just process of Islamic Economic System including: equality in the principle of having entitlement, providing equal opportunity in order to have actuality in entitlements and Poverty Elimination. The third criterion is determined by regarding the relationship between economy and creation basis for morality in the society as well as the influence of economics in that relationship. Regarding the conventional economic theories which are origin oriented, process oriented and result oriented. It seems that from Imam Ali’s (P.B.U.H.) perspective, the justice criteria should be considered jointly in all stages. In first stage, i.e. origin, we should take equal opportunity provision into account. Then, at the second one, i.e. process, having transparency in laws and regulations are of interest and at result stage, balance creation needs attention. By the same token, social takaful and social security should be given the same attention.


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- نهج‌البلاغه
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