Brevity of Ellipsis Flashes in Sermons of Nahj oal-Balagha

Document Type : Research Article



Nahj ol-Balagha is the climax of eloquence and the ornament of rhetoric, the trough for literal deconstructions and the fountain of humane prominent graces. To observe the rhetoric in his speech, Imam Ali has benefited the various rhetorical devicesincluding brevity of ellipsis whether on the letters, words and sentences. Brevity of ellipsis which has been called the braveness of Arab by Ibn o Jenny, is achieved in the words of Imam (AS) through honoring and intimidation of status, conveying semantic inclusion, the disillusionment of misdeed intention from the addresser, the creation of a special tone in speech, eulogy and admonition or other purposes. The arisen ellipsis in Nahj al-Balagha not only does not cause any disorder in the statement of concept or meaning, but also conveys the meaning to the addresser with the best manner, daintily by creation of a special form, as if the omitted were mentioned the elegance of slightly meaning was gone too. This article is written in descriptive – analytical method and the authors are lookingto evaluate some positions of ellipsis in the words of Imam Ali (AS) and the eloquence purposes of it to clarify the accomplishment of Imam Ali (AS) on the application of the device as an angle of the sturdy foliage of artistic devices employed in valuable Nahj ol-Balagha book.


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