An Investigation on the Transitivity Structure of the 27th Lecture of Nahj- Albalagheh Based on the Experiential Metafunction of functional Theory

Document Type : Research Article



This study investigated the transitivity structure of the 27th lecture of Nahj-Albalagheh based on the experiential metafunction of the functional theory. All clauses were first analyzed to determine the kind of each process, and role and number of its participants. Material processes had the highest frequency-43 cases. Relational processes with 24, mental 15, verbal 12, existential 3 and behavioral 2 cases were in the next ranks. More than 30% of the processes were elliptical; e.g.,20 out of 24 relational processes were in the form of the elliptical verb of kᴧnæ) (which could be understood from the text. The investigation showed that the subject of each part influences the kind and frequency of its processes, where specific participants were involved. Out of the14 processes in the first section, 6 were material,4 relational,3 mental and 1 behavioral one,while “Jihad” and “Allah” were the basic participants. In the second section, the order of processes was like this: 31 material, 12 relational, 10 verbal, 4 mental and 1 behavioral one. “Imam Ali”, “the people of Koofa” and “Moaviah soldiers” were the central participants. The final section where the two basic participants, “Imam Ali” and “Koofa people” contradict, was composed of 27 processes -8 relational,8 mental, 6 material, 3 existential, and 2 verbal ones. Finally, the three question associated to the concept of transitivity (Type of processes, participant number, and role) were answered based of the text of Jihad lecture.


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