Reflects the Moral Teachings of Nahj al-Balagha in Persian Poetries and Proverbs

Document Type : Research Article



Nahj al-Balagha, not only as a literary text, but as a source of spirituality and ethics is well known among Muslims. Given the role of the book in the religion, culture and Persian literature, the present study tried to searching Persian books and courts of some of the writers and poets from the different time periods, recognize and separate Nahj ethical issues and concepts that reflected in Persian literature as poetry or proverbs. For this purpose, the library studies and cross-sectional method is used. The results showed that a close correlation between the teachings presented in the Nahj and Persian advices, admonition, poems and proverbs. So that Persian phrases often completely taken from the Arabic words but, sometimes can be seen near to them in contents and applications. This adaptation is despite belonging Persian poets to the styles, periods and different social conditions that indicate the influence of Nahj and their attention to promoting religious teachings of this book
